Meet Our Team

Biographies – The Lijau Project Team

Lijau understands that energy poverty is one of the greatest handicaps to equitable development outcomes. We also acknowledge that man-made climate change is one of the biggest risks facing humanity. Lijau addresses energy deficiency while not making man-made climate change worse.

First comes the Needs Assessment. Lijau will work with communities, donors and  governments national and local to define the challenges and opportunities for individual locations. Is there an endemic health issue related to poor quality drinking water? Are there significant quantities of under-utilised and neglected coconut trees? Is there a market for various coconut products? If the answer is ‘yes’ ….

Then comes the project plan. How about a steam engine that burns coconut husks to produce sufficient electricity to both run a small coconut processing facility, and run a water purification unit? Such a suite of equipment would be a community owned and operated asset. It would provide an economic incentive for the maintenance of the coconut trees, generate livelihoods and income deriving from the sale of coconut products. And it would provide community level health outcomes due to access to clean water. All made possible by unlocking the energy contained within under-utilised biomass resources.

Once approved and funded, Lijau will commission the manufacture and import of any necessary equipment not available within country. Lijau will conduct community mobilisation and awareness raising and training. Eventually, Lijau will oversee installation, and conduct follow-up Monitoring and Evaluation.

Follow-up field visits to communities and the cooperatives is an important tool to ensure that feedback can be fed back to manufacturers, governments and Lijau itself on how improvements can be made, greater efficiencies achieved and opportunities realised.

Important! Lijau believes that energy for energy’s sake is not the solution. That is, it is not the energy per se that we seek to deliver, but its smart, targeted application. Lijau understands that solar energy, a biomass boiler, mini-hydro system and battery storage systems are platforms for the generation and delivery of energy. The positive impact is in the application of that energy. Hence, Lijau partners with ‘apps’ like crop driers, absorption refrigeration units, water desalination units among others to ensure that whatever locally available energy available to a particular community is most efficiently delivered to the most high impact purposes.

Mark Deasy

Project Management / Investor

An Australian expatriate, Mark spent the last 14 years working in the humanitarian and international development sector after completing a Masters in International Development at Deakin University, Australia.

Mark learnt a lot of lessons in contexts as diverse as Darfur, Somalia, Philippines, Nigeria, East Timor Afghanistan and Iraq, among others. He has worked in organisations large and small (UN, faith based INGO, governments) and has retained a passion for connecting the best tech in the world with the people who need it the most.

That is why in 2017 he set up Lijau with the rest of the team. The aim is to bring cheap, renewable energy to remote, off-grid communities.

Griff Rose

Engineer, Non-Executive Advisor

An Electrical Engineer, Griff has spent his entire working life in the private sector and government solving problems related to computing and systems engineering, and the technical assessment of renewable energy projects competing for government funding (various Australian Government organisations, especially the Australian Greenhouse Office). In the 90’s Griff was Investment Manager at Energy Research and Development Corporation (“ERDC”). ERDC managed Australia’s direct investment in energy innovation and research, with its mission to “provide leadership for effective innovation in energy supply and use”. In 1997, Griff and other members of the senior management of ERDC set up Magma Pty Limited, a successful consulting and advisory business, which has advised on a number of key energy projects over the years.

Griff was previously Chair of National Biomass Taskforce (now Bioenergy Australia (Forum) Limited), and is now a director of Asia Pacific Energy Solutions Pty. Ltd.